Editorial Partnerships

As part of our editorial plan, we collaboratively develop your content and publish it over shorter or longer time periods to help position you as a Digital Health thought leader.

#thoughtleadership #brandawareness

Media Partnerships

To help to increase your brand awareness, visibility, and positioning, we create and manage a solid event marketing plan to cover all aspects of the pre, during, and post phases.

#brandawareness #positioning

Our Media and Editorial Partnerships

Media Campaigns & Dissemination Activities

We create and manage a media plan that amplifies and disseminates your content through our channels and partners, helping you generate new leads and increase brand awareness.

#leadgeneration #brandawareness

Press Release & Articles publication

We publish your articles and press releases on the platform, then give them additional visibility through social media and our bi-weekly newsletter to support your brand visibility and positioning.

#thoughtleadership #visibility

Our Clients

Contact us to discover all our services and partnerships opportunity